Sunday, December 21, 2008


PADRE PIO: An Italian Friar who had the stigmata (duplicating Jesus’ 5 wounds)—
the only male to have these persistent bloody holes in hands, feet and side since Francis of Assissi. He spent his whole life hearing confessions;
People came from all over to confess to him & get his spiritual advice.
He died & was buried, and was later canonized.

Then a nasty man said he used to deliver carbolic acid regularly to the friary—
perhaps to keep the wounds fresh! But that’s only one man’s story.

Italians are devoted to holy corpses and bones. The friars dug Pio up and put him on display.And he was incorrupt—but they put a silver mask over his face..
an incomplete miracle?
Anyway, one Irish-American woman named Riley called one of her favorite opponents Mrs. Wright, complaining that Wright’s daughter-in-law had embarrassed Riley in front of her Protestant daughter-in law: “Your daughter-in-law has been failing to get pregnant, so I told her to pray to Padre Pio..he’s not canonized yet, so he needs miracles. So later she says,‘So much for Padre Pio; the prayers haven’t worked.’

So naturally I asked her if she’d sent the money.
“Why does he need money? He’s dead!”

There was a pause while Wright loaded her cannon; then she told Riley:
“That Protestant daughter-in-law of yours: I happen to know she’s a fallen-away
Catholic !”

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